Filming a corporate video of a man in a suit

5 Things Needed In Corporate Videos To Attract Clients

Corporate videos serve as a visual handshake, introducing your brand and its offerings in an engaging and memorable way to your contemporaries and clients. However, not all corporate videos hit the mark. To truly captivate your audience and convert them into clients, there are key elements your corporate video should possess—five, to be precise.

What Are Corporate Videos?

Corporate videos and corporate animation are professionally made audio-visual productions businesses create to convey specific messages, promote products or services, and enhance their brand image. These videos are tailored to meet the communication needs of a corporate entity and are often used for internal and external purposes. Corporate videos serve a variety of functions, including marketing, training, communication, and branding. Here are some common types of corporate videos:

1. Promotional Videos – are designed to promote a company’s products, services, or overall brand. They often showcase the company’s strengths, unique selling points, and success stories to attract potential clients or customers.

2. Testimonials and Case Study Videos – feature satisfied clients or customers sharing their positive experiences with a company’s products or services. These videos serve to build credibility and trust. Case study videos illustrate specific projects or successes, showcasing the company’s capabilities.

3. Corporate Training and Educational Videos – are created to educate employees on various topics, such as onboarding processes, safety procedures, and professional development. They provide a standardised and efficient way to deliver training materials to a large audience.

4. Internal Communication Videos – as the name suggests, are videos companies use to communicate (internally) with employees. It may include leadership updates, company event announcements, or messages reinforcing the company’s values and culture.

5. Event Highlight Videos – are created to capture the highlights of corporate events, conferences, or trade shows to share the experience with a wider audience. These videos can be used for marketing and showcase the company’s participation in industry events.

6. Explainer Videos and animations – break down complex concepts or processes in a simple and engaging manner. These videos are often used to introduce new products or services, explaining their features and benefits in a way that is easy for the audience to understand.

7. CEO Messages and Corporate Announcements – are used to deliver messages from top executives, such as the CEO, to employees, clients, or shareholders. These videos can be used to share important announcements, discuss company strategies, or provide updates on significant milestones.

Out of the above-listed types of corporate videos, ‘Promotional Videos’ and ‘Testimonials and Case Study Videos’ can be leveraged by corporates to attract potential clients.

Why Should A Brand/Company Invest In Corporate Video and Animation?

Corporate video and animations serve as beneficial tools for storytelling. In a world where attention spans are rapidly diminishing, content that fails to captivate is swiftly dismissed with a mere swipe. These videos provide brands with a platform to showcase their ‘it factor’ and human elements, thereby offering audiences a reason to understand and personally engage with the brand.

This not only achieves sales and marketing objectives but also fosters a deeper connection with the audience. To create a top-notch video for your company, consider engaging the services of a corporate video production agency.

Here are some other key motivations for making these videos:

1. Enhanced Engagement:
Video content tends to capture attention more effectively than text or static images. Corporate videos, when well-crafted, can engage audiences emotionally and intellectually, fostering a deeper connection between the brand and its target audience.

2. Storytelling Opportunities:
Videos provide a dynamic platform for storytelling. Brands can narrate their journey, showcase their values, and humanise their image through compelling narratives. Story-driven content helps create a more memorable and relatable brand identity.

3. Increased Reach and Shareability:
Brands can leverage the reach of social media and video-sharing platforms to help corporate videos reach a broader audience. Shareable and visually appealing videos have the potential to go viral, exponentially increasing a brand’s visibility and reach.

4. Demonstration of Products or Services:
Corporate videos offer an effective way to showcase products or services in action. Demonstrations and explanations through video and animation can be more impactful than written descriptions, providing a clear and visual understanding of what the brand has to offer.

5. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO):
Video content is favoured by search engines, contributing to improved SEO rankings. Brands that incorporate videos on their websites and social media platforms can benefit from higher visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic.

6. Credibility and Trust Building:
Well-produced corporate videos featuring testimonials, case studies, or behind-the-scenes glimpses can build credibility and trust. Seeing real people share positive experiences or witnessing the inner workings of a company fosters authenticity and strengthens the trustworthiness of the brand.

7. Adaptation to Consumer Preferences:
Modern consumers prefer consuming information through videos. By aligning with consumer preferences, brands can stay relevant and effectively communicate their messages to a diverse and tech-savvy audience.

8. Competitive Advantage:
As video content becomes increasingly popular, brands that invest in high-quality corporate videos gain a competitive edge. A well-executed video strategy can differentiate a brand from its competitors and position it as an industry leader.

9. Metrics and Analytics:
Corporate videos offer measurable results through analytics. Brands can track viewer engagement, audience demographics, and other key metrics to assess the effectiveness of their video content. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and optimisation of video strategies.

10. Versatility Across Platforms:
Corporate videos can be repurposed for various platforms and purposes. Whether shared on social media, embedded in emails, or featured on a website, the versatility of video content makes it a valuable asset for a brand’s overall marketing strategy.

What Do Corporate Videos Need?

Now that we know what corporate videos are and the types, it’s time to learn what a successful corporate video needs.

1. Craft concise and impactful videos: The optimal duration for a corporate video is between 1 and 3 minutes. For longer formats like YouTube, it can be extended to 12-14 minutes. The emphasis should be on the quality of your content rather than the quantity. It’s crucial to capture the audience’s attention within the first 5 seconds of your video, delivering a bold, clear, and compelling message for maximum engagement.

2. Select appropriate location, attire, equipment, lighting, and music: Your corporate video should exude professionalism, necessitating the selection of a suitable office space. The attire of your characters should align with your company culture, enhancing brand recall. High-quality cameras, equipment, and superior sound and voiceover can significantly elevate the production quality of your videos, so working with a professional video production company is a must.

3. Develop a compelling script: Regardless of the format, every corporate video should be supported by a strong narrative. Determine the objective of your video and the message you wish to convey, and have a well-structured script and storyboard at hand. Whether your goal is to attract new clients, reinforce brand recognition, introduce a new product, recruit fresh talent, or present to investors, a powerful script is the cornerstone of success.

4. Infuse a human element: The ability to feel emotions sets humans apart from machines, and these emotions drive action. While presenting facts, figures, features, and benefits is an option, an emotional appeal can be more potent. Incorporate footage of your employees in the video to showcase your company culture. Add a touch of humanity to your storytelling, infusing your videos with emotional appeal.

5. Avoid excessive sales pitches: While the ultimate goal of any company is to generate sales, a corporate video that feels like an excessive sales pitch can be counterproductive. Instead, focus on fostering engagement with your brand and cultivating long-term relationships with your audience.

Incorporate the elements mentioned above into your corporate videos to instantly enhance their quality and attract the right clientele.

Final Thoughts

Creating a corporate video and animation that attracts clients is a challenging feat. But when done right, the rewards can be immense. It requires a blend of impactful and crisp storytelling, professionalism in production, a human touch, and a non-sales approach to produce a corporate video that makes a resounding impact.

So, are you ready to take your corporate videos to the next level? At Pickle Pictures, we’re here to help. Contact us today to start your video production journey.

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